News — #immunehealth

3 Surprising Signs of a Weakened Immune System


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that there are certain things we can do to prevent contracting the virus, for example social distancing and washing our hands frequently. But keeping our immune system strong and robust is also a crucial element to ensuring that we stay healthy during this time. A healthy immune system not only reduces our risk of contracting the virus, but it also protects us if we ever do contract it or helps us recover quicker. The protective healing functions of a strong immune system gives us a better chance of having milder symptoms and helps us to recover faster.

Check out some signs of a weakened immune system below…there may even be some you didn’t know!

1. You have ongoing tummy troubles 

Tummy troubles can include constipation, food sensitivities, gas or bloating. If you experience these issues and they are ongoing, there is a high chance that something is not right in your gut. Research has made it evident that the health of your gut microbiota has a profound effect on your immune system, due to the fact that most of your immune system actually lives in your digestive tract. Your gut is one of your first lines of defence, and your immune system is right next to your gut. The beneficial bacteria and microorganisms (flora) help to defend your gut from infection, viruses, inflammation and autoimmune disorders. If your digestive issues are ongoing, it might be time to pay some extra love to your gut and try to get to the root cause of what’s going on.

 2. Your wounds take a long time to heal

If your wounds just won’t heal up, it could be a sign your immune system is sluggish and weak. Your body works to protect and repair a wound by sending nutrient rich blood to the site to help create new skin. Of course, this depends on the availability of healthy immune cells. If they’re lacking, the skin finds it hard to regenerate and the wounds linger for longer.  Excessive stress and low vitamin C levels can also delay wound healing, and also lower your overall immunity.

 3. You catch every single cold!

A couple of colds a year for an adult (especially during winter) is pretty normal. But if you can never catch a break from a cold and you seem to always have a stash of tissues in your pocket (for your sniffily nose!) its probably a sign your immune system may need a little bit more love and attention. If your immune system is not strong enough to fight off multiple mild colds per year, (and let’s face it there are bugs everywhere), then this sends a sign that it may not be equipped to deal with other more serious invading bacteria and viruses that may come your way. 

One of the first ways you can start giving some love to your immune system is by nourishing it with the nutrients it needs, another way is by avoiding harsh additives, junk food or nasty ingredients. That’s two of the many reasons why we think it’s so important to create our healthy no nonsense food to help people eat healthier (without the hassle and stress of planning, prepping and cooking). Check out our meal plans here.

Ocean Greens: The Superfoods Of The Sea

When you think of greens that live in the ocean, you might be drawn back to early memories as a child emerging from the waves with thick, smelly and slimy green plants stuck to your ankles. You might think “gross!”, but actually, sea veggies might be just what your cooking needs…for healthy delicious boosts of flavour and incredible health benefits.

Sea veggies include many marine algae varieties found in the water and along the coast. When you think of seaweed, you might think straight to the nori used in sushi, but actually there are over 10,000 types of seaweed found on earth. Being the oldest plant family on earth, they have been used for thousands of years in Asian cooking, however in the last few years cooking with sea vegetables has become more popular, especially among chef’s. Chefs have been having fun playing around with this ingredient, adding it to pasta’s, into mashed potatoes, even on top of cocktails! 

In addition to being abundant and affordable, they also do incredible things for our health. They contain vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and phytonutrients that our body needs for ultimate health, all of which function to provide powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the polysaccharides present in the cell walls of sea vegetables have also been studied for their ability to ward off and prevent different viruses from attacking our cells. 

We know that seaweed is delicious in the form of nori but there are so many other kinds as well. Conquer your fear of sea veggies with these healthy ways to bring sea vegetables into your diet!


Wakame is a leafy ocean green that means ‘young girl’ in Japanese – this is because young girls used to venture out onto the slippery rocks to pick it. Wakame seaweed is a deep green colour and very soft. You can make a delicious and uniquely flavoured miso soup using miso paste, dried wakame seaweed (found at most Asian grocery stores), soup stock, soft tofu and chopped green onions.


Arame is a type of kelp and is quite mild in flavour so a great place to start if you are new to sea veggies. You can use dry arame seaweed in a salad with brown rice, red capsicum, green onions and a garlic sesame sauce for a unique, amazing umami flavour.


The emerald green colour and tender texture of wakame seaweed make it a great substitute for basil in a yummy pesto sauce.


Kombu (a type of kelp) adds a secret umami depth of flavour to any soup stock. Simply boil water and insert the kombu and within a few minutes you have a wonderful umami flavour. A great way for vegetarians to have access to that yummy savoury umami flavour as well.

Maybe you might venture out a little bit with your cooking now that you know a little more about sea veggies. They are a great idea for nutritional health in general, but also especially during the current pandemic they might be a good addition to your diet!

Stock Your Pantry, Fridge and Freezer the Smart Way

Did you know?
According to Foodbank Australia, our country produces food for 75 million people, which is three times our population!

We definitely do not advocate for panic-buying food and supplies right now (especially if you already have enough), as it starts to create a cycle of stocking, depletion and restocking in the supermarkets that is hard to break, as well as potentially leaving others in the community to miss out on important items that they may really need.

It is normal to feel a little shaken and panicked in an uncertain time like this, especially since none of us might have ever experienced something like this in our lifetime.  

In times of extreme uncertainty when fear and feelings of anxiousness may be high, filling the fridge and pantry up with foods and supplies may be the only thing that we feel we can control. It gives us a sense of order and organisation, in a time when we might feel unprepared without a plan. Despite this though, panic-buying and spending lots of money on things you may not need is probably not the best solution. Read on for our tips on stocking your pantry, fridge and freezer the smart way…

  • Remember that if you do want to buy a little extra, you only really need two week’s worth of food and supplies as that is how long you would be in quarantine for if you were exposed to COVID-19 (if you are choosing to self-isolate for longer or want to avoid lots of trips to the shops, then certain pantry staples that have a long shelf life will be your friend, read on for examples…).
  • Take this extra time at home as an opportunity to give your pantry a big clear out. Before you hit the shops, take a look inside your pantry and evaluate what you have and what you might need. You might just find some hidden gems at the very back that you had forgotten about!
  • A little extra supply of sturdy and reliable staples like dried beans, lentils and split peas, grains and frozen veggies can mean endless meal opportunities, with the use of different spices powders and mixes. If there are no frozen fruit or veggies left, you could buy some fresh ones and even freeze them yourself. Having a good supply of nutritious pantry goods that can be spread out for a variety of different meals will be more cost effective and will reduce the amount of shop visits you need to make.
  • A few extra packages of pasta, rice and canned goods like beans, chickpeas, coconut milk and diced tomatoes.
  • Fresh produce that have a longer shelf life –peppers, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, apples and citrus fruits all have quite a long shelf life and pack a lot of nutrition. Hardy root veggies like potatoes, turnips, beets and radishes can also keep for weeks in a cool, dark place in your pantry.
  • Fermented or pickled vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi can add heaps of flavour and they immediately brighten up any dish, like a rice bowl or even just a sandwich. Dehydrated vegetables (especially dried shiitake mushrooms) to boost the immune system and add umami flavour to soups and broths. Freeze dried herbs for adding freshness, flavour and a pop of colour.
  • Last but not least, a stash of hearty Wholesomeness meals in your freezer for those days when you don’t have much on hand, you’re in quarantine and can’t make it to the shops, or you just don’t feel like cooking!

Remember that if we all remain calm and mindful, purchase only what we need, try to help others and check on the elderly and vulnerable when we can, we can get through this together.

5 Reasons Why Wholesomeness Meals Are a Great Option to Stock Up On

Right now, with the rapid spread and unprecedented nature of the COVID19 virus outbreak, and particularly the massive, overcrowded demand on supermarkets, Wholesomeness meals make a great option to any “strategic stocking up” you might be trying to do!

When frozen meals use fresh, seasonal ingredients and are balanced, nutritious and free of nasty additives and preservatives (aka Wholesomeness meals) then they can be an ideal option to stock up on during this difficult time.  Here’s why:

1.    Nutrient-packed 
Now is the best time to eat to build your immune system. Instead of just stocking up on pasta and toilet paper, order a stash of our yummy and healthy frozen meals. 

If you’re planning on staying home more than usual, a freezer full of nutritious balanced meals is going to ensure you’re getting all the fibre, vitamins, minerals and other health and immune-supporting compounds that your body needs!  And if you get sick, you probably won't want to cook from scratch but you will have an added nutrient requirement.

2.    Avoid the crowded supermarkets
This may be especially important for our elderly customers or people with underlying health conditions. We hope we can help ease the burden of cooking for some of our customers who are self-isolating or who are avoiding the crowds. 

3.    Gourmet meals prepared to strict food safety standards
Food safety has always been important to us, and we want you to know that we implement high food safety measures with every meal that we make. Especially during this time we are ramping up the frequency of sanitisation for staff, and every area inside our 5 star approved commercial kitchen. You can have your full trust in us that your meals will come made with love, and to the highest quality that they can be. 

Our meals are frozen to minimise food spoilage and contamination.  We give you a couple of fresh meals for the first 2 days but freeze the rest for you so you can pop them into your freezer and keep them safe and packed with nutrition until you need them.

4.    Food Diversity
The supermarket shelves are getting bare and you may have a lot of the same items in your fridge or pantry. Our menu changes weekly and our meals are different and unique, from our Rosemary Lemon Chicken with Caramelised Carrot Risotto to our Tofu and Pineapple Massaman Curry with Quinoa.

Evidence shows that a varied diet and the rotation of grains, proteins  and produce is best for immune health as well, which is definitely what we aim for when we create our menu. 

5.    Frozen Meals
Our meals are frozen immediately after cooking which locks in all the freshness, flavour and nutrients in the food. 

Freezing locks in the nutrients and keeps nutrients from oxidising. Generally, frozen foods retain their vitamins and minerals and there is no change to the carbohydrate, protein or fat content.

In some cases, frozen foods have more vitamins and minerals compared to fresh food because fresh foods can lose vitamins and minerals over time through oxidisation while freezing preserves nutrients.  It also keeps food safely out of the optimal growth zone for bacteria, (temperatures below zero). 

Freezing, or ‘natures preservative’ means we don’t need to add preservatives or gas to our meals.